Painting Portfolio

“The Burial of the Sardine” - after Goya

( w40" x h32" oil on canvas)

When I learned that Goya did a painting called "The Burial of the Sardine",
I had no option but to create one of my own. I was riding up the California
coast on the train, reading André Malraux's The Voices of Silence", no
picture, just that title. I made a quick sketch of the Sardine. Later when
I finally did see Goya's version, I borrowed his colors and greatly modified
his composition. For Goya, the "Burial of the Sardine" was a Spanish
celebration that marks the end of festivities before the 40 days of Lent.
My version is more literal, they all seem so anguished by the death, only
the sardine is gleeful.

“The Card Players - Lisbon

(24” x 24” oil on canvas)

St. Francis, Speaking With the Birds-

Oil on canvas w16"x h14" - I have loved St. Francis since I was a kid, because of his sweet humbleness and his love for animals. Several years ago I visited the Assisi cathedral in Italy. On display in a large wide display case, was a the heavy old habit St. Francis had worn. It had been patched and re-patched so many times, you could hardly see the original material. Here he is wearing it, as he speaks to the birds about giving thanks to the Sustaining Infinite.

“The Passing of Flower Woman”

(36"w x 28"h) oil on canvas

Flower Woman was a beautiful and elegant creature who like
all of us, had created a world around herself. Here we
see her making the final transition from this world to the next.
At her side are two beings, one who easily makes the
transition, climbing up and down "the ladder", and another
whom she will be leaving behind. Both are sitting with her,
quietly, lovingly, and openly. Assisting in her peaceful passing.

It is interesting how many people are uncomfortable talking
about death and dying. If we think of it as a transition,
it becomes no longer sad, or morbid, but a joyous,
sacred occasion. A transition in consciousness.

“Large White Cat”

(w20" x h16") oil on canvas

“Red Swimsuit”

(w25" x h22") oil on canvas

“Woman Reading, with large cat under the bed.”

(w52" x h39") oil on canvas


(w18" x h20") oil on canvas

“By the Light of the Moon (It’s all just fine)”

(w42" x h36") oil on canvas

This painting has lots of layers and lots of struggles in it.
It's full title is "By the Light of the Moon, it is All Just Fine"
The Violinist is playing with all the passion of his or her heart,
for the sorrows of the world. The Moon shining down and Cat
looking on are saying not to worry, there is a plane where
all is in harmony, despite any appearances to the contrary.

“The Bribe”

(w42" x h36") oil on canvas
‘The Bribe’ comes out of some deep dark place in my mind....

I love animals dearly, but once in a while I feel a desire to be
a bit fiendish. Just a tiny bit, not in any way harmful.
Why is this man bribing this dog?

There were lots of sub-layers in this painting, they moved and wrestled
about in the unconscious for a while, until this image surfaced.
At first there was just the dog, then the bone dangling out from the side
of the painting. I felt that a good painting couldn't just have a bone
dangling out of nowhere. I watched, until suddenly I saw that person
sitting there, so I painted him/her in, and it all felt right somehow.

“Perfect Balance”

(w24" x h26") oil on canvas
The light that these two are reflecting and heading towards
is a different one than most beings on the small blue Earth
are seeing. For them the moon is full and the
possibilities are endless, what a night!

According to Apache lore, white spots indicate purity of the
being who is sporting them. Purity of the mind - understanding
that we are spiritual beings, not material. Could it possibly be,
when we strip away our concepts and limitations, we all have
Buddha nature?

That’s all for now.